Services - everything at a glance
Craniosacral Balancing for Babies
The empathetic attention, the perception with all senses (look, listen, feel, taste) and the willingness to establishing a
relationship enables something like a conversation with the infant.
If the infant agrees in this way, various craniosacral hand positions can be used
and techniques are offered.
Application examples:
Arrive after caesarean section
Being at home with a premature baby
Nursing, breast feeding, body care, parenting
After a difficult birth (cesarean section, premature birth, use of a ventouse, dramatic birth, umbilical cord
around the neck)
Targeted resolution of sucking problems with the nursing cranio.
As a trained lactation consultant and craniosacral practicing
Cry babies
Digestive problems (stomach cramps, vomiting)
Head asymmetries, BEL and one-sided head postures
Breastfeeding support
With cranial breastfeeding, I can also motivate babies who have already been weaned to suckle.
The treatment lasts approximately 60-70 mins. I treat the baby with gentle touches, sometimes I also treat the mom.
Become in between stress-free breastfeeding breaks and looked at what suction change is perceptible
Baby massage
A gentle baby massage releases the hormone oxytocin, which is the love hormone but also the breastfeeding hormone
Adult cranial
Space is created from the center and from the inside out. Space for health and well-being. My hands accompany the
subtle movements of the craniosacral system. Self-healing powers stimulated in this way
body and soul can release not only structural but also possible emotional tensions.
If you only treat the pain in a system-related manner and not its causes, the back pain will return to us adults often again.
So I look for the cause of the ailments that are far away from the spine and everywhere in the body.
for pain reduction and relaxation in the back (protrusion, prolapse), abdomen, head, pelvis, organs, joints
Combating burnout, exhaustion, anxiety, breathing difficulties, belching
during pregnancy to support the processes of change in body and soul
to process trauma
Recharge your batteries to do something good for yourself
Long Covid
End-of-life cranio
I will be at your side emotionally and physically before, during and after the birth.
I will involve your partner and help you to gently grow into the new situation.
As your doula, I am not a medical assistant, the gynecologist and midwife are responsible for that.
In some cultures, in addition to the midwife, one or more doulas are present to assist with the delivery.
I treat with a lot of closeness, appreciation and respect.